Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's Good to Remember...

November 17, 2015
Every now and then I wonder at my lack of journaling. It seems that “life” keeps happening and I can hardly catch my breath! But then I remember – like today – the importance of looking back at the marvelous things the Lord has done. And it occurs to me that even if I journal about the tough things going on, I frequently look back at those times and give thanks to the Lord that they are distant memories. He has done great things!

Today I re-learned something I “knew”… but I really needed to “know” it on a much deeper level. Yesterday, I had turned off phones and refused communication with some family members because I was worn out and didn’t trust my judgment – wasn’t sure I could extend much wisdom in such a state. This morning, I knew I needed to make phone calls, but as I looked at the day, I saw many “to do’s” and wasn’t sure where those phone calls fit in. I really wanted to be still and pray, read the Word, meditate, and read the chapter from the book that would be discussed by my small group this morning. All were very good things to do! But I had this strong sense that I really needed to make those phone calls. Feeling conflicted, I said, “Lord, what is it that you want me to do?” My unrest and inability to focus on anything but the impending conversations gave me a pretty clear answer. So I prayed. I thanked God for His orchestration of all events, for His obvious love and care for my family, for His Presence in my life… At that moment, I was reminded that I KNEW Him! Did I need His counsel and His Word? Yes! But could He give me all I needed in my time of need?... This was the place where I had to “throw in the towel” and confess that I relied on myself too much. He really DOES help me to remember things at the right time. And He really IS enough.

I made those phone calls, with the comfort of His Presence at every turn. Admittedly, I had moments of behaving like Peter, when he stepped out of the boat to join Jesus in walking on the water. I felt myself thinking about the situation too much and not trusting my Savior. But I felt His hand pulling me out of the waves… teaching me to rise above and not drown. By the time all of the conversations were over, I was a tad bit late for my small group meeting. But I had the sweetness of joy and rest that comes when I surrender and trust Jesus in the day-to-day grind.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30)

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